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Upcoming Android Phones: Samsung Galaxy S5

Samsung Galaxy S5 Upcoming Android Phone and release date

Upcoming Android Phones in 2014 by Samsung : Samsung Galaxy S5

I will be doing a lot more coverage on the galaxy S 5, more features, more rumors, I love our coverage before the official announcement of course I will be covering the official announcement as well today’s January12, 2014 and just start up on talk to the Galaxy round which you might not have heard, I think a career here plain fun actually and it is basically a Curves for phone, it is like herb vertically and after that device many people predicted that this device was actually just a test drive for Samsung’s new curved all led display technology, that they are going to be using for their Galaxy S5, unfortunately it looks like you might have to wait any longer for to get your hands on a curved a Galaxy or flagship Galaxy device, you may have to wait till 2015 for the first curved Samsung flagship according to a new report from the Korean Herald so the Korean newspaper actually claimed the Samsung is not able to produce high enough volume of curb displays, two features the design in Galaxy s 5 as we were actually only thing that’s stopping them right now, I guess manufacturing things making them from producing a high enough volume, Iam not too sure exactly what constrain is, but the newspaper did say their own capable of manufacturing 8,000 sheets a flexible let per month and if you calculate that surround enough to yield 500,000 screens or 500,000 smartphones, but that’s still not enough for global launch will from now to whenever their global launches, usually in the first quarter of 2014 so just did by that symbol of calculation you can see that 500,000 is not going to be enough for a full global launch of the Galaxy S 5.

or New upcoming android phones in 2014 : Lg g2

Upcoming Android Phones

We are not going to be able to see a curved display on the Galaxy S5, it was really cool for the Galaxy round it definitely makes sense and all that technology is amazing on it’s own as well, Galaxy S5 I was actually expected to have some really nice powers while it includes danson’s designed a 64-bit processor up to 4 Gigabytes of RAM, 16 Megapixel camera and 4 Giga to ram itself is a huge advancement and along with the 64 give a process of course Iam not too sure exactly what up so make you, so this maybe something will on a reveal specific partnerships was some specific companies on their applications that support the 64 Gigabyte processor and 4 Gigabytes of RAM but we will just have to wait and see when they officially revealed the Galaxy S5, but Samsung is also expected to get away with traditional plastic type body and make way for more aluminum slush metal body for the Galaxy S5, so Iam very excited to see how the Galaxy S5 gonna look like and how it is gonna feel more importantly because bill call is something that I want Samsung improve more for their next the Galaxy version even if they don’t have the curve display.

Release Date

Will be launched at Early March 2014


Samsung Galaxy S4 features 5-inch, 1080 P Super Amoled display and I have to say iam absolutely in love with this screen, I own the Galaxy S4 for more than 6 months, it’s absolutely beautiful screen, Iam personally a big fan of the over exaggerated colors on Super Amoled display, but that’s just a personal preference, but not only inside also a resolution it seems like Samsung will pump it up even further for the Galaxy S5, so the rumors are that be a get it 2K Displays, So if you wondering what is the 2k display basically that the display with a resolution 2516 times 1440 and to put this into perspective, this actually the same resolution for example on the 27 inch absolutely huge resolution and having that on then a 5.2-inch display is absolutely incredible and something that we haven’t really seen before, I said that 1080 display looks amazing so I can’t even think about how 2K will look but just absoulutely amazing that’s pretty sure, So Iam definitely looking forward to this to really need a 2K display on a 5.2 inch phone probably not, but then again last year everybody said 1080 P’s too much for phone and just end up looking gorgeous, Iam really looking forward to this new display.

Upcoming Android Phones


Next up let’s talk about the camera and the Galaxy S4 features a 13 Megapixel camera and while overall this one of the best cameras out there on the market in any smartphone, still it’s not too good especially in some situations like low light , so fo example in low light the HTC One was way ahead of the Galaxy S4 and it seems like Samsung will address this issue with the new technology called ISOCELL, now what does this allow this lawsuit you have high megapixel count so we are talking about a 16 Megapixel sensor, but also great low light performance, now we haven’t really seen any of those cameras really built into any smartphone from Samsung, but they say that this is the camera that supposed to be built in all of the flagship devices in 2014, so we can definitely expect the sensor to be found on the Galaxy S5  and also on the note 4.


Next Let’s talk about process and this is where this get pretty tricky because if you look back at the Samsung Galaxy S4 there were quite a few varieties of processes in this so for example most European and American markets got the Snapdragon 600 version and that’s a Qualcomm processor, so Samsung has to buy those processes from Qualcomm which doesn't really make sense considering that Samsung actually both own processes caught exynos, So also there were exynos variance of the galaxy s4 with octa core specs so 8 core processes, but the problem those were they didn’t support for LTE, now Samsung denounced that they will unveil a new generation of action of processes to see as 2014 unless Vegas so we can definitely look forward to seeing the new generation via and maybe this will also give us a clue whether we can see it Octacore processor from Samsung in all Samsung Galaxy S5 variants if they finally managed to actually make LTD compatible with chipset, No one more quick addition to the processes that will likely going to see for gigs of RAM and that also raises another question whether we will see a 64-bit ship because that’s kind what EPO surprise the whole industry with, so it’s likely that Samsung will also go down the 64-bit route and also at 4 gigs of RAM.


So last, but certainly not least let actually talk about the build of the Samsung Galaxy S5 and there were quite a few rumors suggesting that Samsung would finally move to an all metal construction as you can also find on the iPhone are also the HTC One there will definitely be a big step for Samsung, the first departure from their plastic design and while plastic definitely has a venture so for example if you drop it it’s likely that passing couldn’t get damaged  as bad as for example matter what band also metal which is scratch still especially for high and premium device that’s also pretty expensive with just few great in the hand to actually have a metal construction, now they are also been some rumors that something was actually launched a different device called Galaxy S serious which is new high and inflection device with the metal construction but I will honestly don’t really see this coming so it’s definitely more realistic that we will see in the Galaxy S5 even,though, this is definitely something that still has to be confirmed and we just relatively unlikely and so the other specs definitely make sense, the metal construction Iam not too sure about.

That's it, choose your New Upcoming Android Phones and enjoy.


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